




Ph.D. Media Studies, Department of Radio-Television-Film The University of Texas at Austin, May 2020

Dissertation: “New Frontier of Digital Media and Entertainment: Exploring Entrepreneurship in the Chinese Digital Game Industry.”
Committee Chair: Wenhong Chen
Committee Members: Joseph Straubhaar, Craig Watkins, Aynne Kokas

M.A. Media Studies, Department of Radio-Television-Film The University of Texas at Austin, August 2014

B.A. Journalism, School of Journalism and Communication Sichuan International Studies University, June 2012

University Appointments


2020-Present 2021 2019-2020 2013-2019 2014-2019

Lecturer, Department of Journalism, School of Communication Soochow University

Guest Lecturer, School of Film and TV Arts Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

Research Fellow, Center for Entertainment & Media Industries Fellowship The University of Texas at Austin

Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Radio-TV-Film The University of Texas at Austin

Teaching Assistant, Department of Radio-TV-Film The University of Texas at Austin


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Chen, W., Li, X., Huang, G., & Straubhaar, J. (2021). If you built a sandbox: How children, network diversity, and community interventions are related to Google Fiber signup in disadvantaged urban communities. Telematics and Informatics, 60. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tele.2021.101580

Robinson, L., Schulz, J., Khilnani, A., Ono, H., Cotten, S. R., McClain, N., Levine, L., Chen, W., Huang, G., Casilli, A. A., Tubaro, P., Dodel, M., Quan-Haase, A., Ruiu, M. L., Ragnedda, M., Aikat, D., & Tolentino, N. (2020). Digital inequalities in time of pandemic: COVID-19 exposure risk profiles and new forms of vulnerability. First Monday, 25(7).https://doi.org/10.5210/fm.v25i7.10845

Huang, G. (2020). Social Capital and Financial Capital Acquisition: Creating Gaming Ventures in Shanghai’s Entrepreneurial Ecosystem. Chinese Journal of Communication. doi:10.1080/17544750.2020.1762686

Huang, G., Li, X., Chen, W., & Straubhaar, J. D. (2018). Fall-behind parents? The influential factors on digital parenting self-efficacy in disadvantaged communities. American Behavioral Scientist, 62(9), 1186-1206. doi:10.1177/0002764218773820

Chen, W., Huang, G., Miller, J., Lee, K., Mauro, D., Stephens, B., & Li, X. (2018). “As we grow, it will become a priority”: American mobile start-ups’ privacy practices. American Behavioral Scientist. doi:10.1177/0002764218787867

Chen, W., Shen, C., & Huang, G. (2016). In game we trust? Coplay and generalized trust in and beyond a Chinese MMOG world. Information, Communication & Society,19(5), 639. doi:10.1080/1369118X.2016.1139612

Alan César Belo Angeluci, & Huang, G. (2015). Rethinking media displacement: The tensions between mobile media and face-to-face interaction/ repensando o deslocamento da mídia: As tensões entre as mídias móveis e a interação face-a-face. Revista FAMECOS, 22(4), 173.

Book Chapters

Straubhaar, J.D., & Huang, G. (2015, March). Conclusion to IGI Collection. Comparative Approaches of the IGI-Global Collection. IGI Global.


Chen, W., Straubhaar, J.D., Li, X., Mora, A., Crocker, T., Huang, G., Sinta, V., & Spence, J. (2016).

Deep Digital Divides in Austin’s Public Housing Communities. Unlocking the Connections Series Part I. 79 pp.

Chen, W., Huang, G., Miller, J., Lee, K-Y., Mauro, D., Stephens, B., & Li, X (2015). Mobile Ventures’ Identity and Privacy Management. 40 pp.

Awards and Honors

2020 Excellent Youth Scholar, Soochow University
2020 Center for Entertainment & Media Industries Fellowship, UT Austin 2019 Kyun Hur Fellowship, UT Austin
2019 Academic Enrichment Fund, UT Austin
2018 Doctoral Fellowship, Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International

Scholarly Exchange, $18,000
2018 Graduate Dean’s Prestigious Fellowship Supplement, UT Austin

2014-18 Moody Fellowship, UT Austin
2008-2011 Third-tier University Scholarship, Sichuan International Studies University

Research Experience

2020-21 Principle Investigator, Health Code and Digital Privacy in China, Soochow University

2019-20 Graduate Research Assistant, Media and Entrepreneurship in Rural and Small Town Texas project, UT Austin

2016-17 Graduate Research Assistant, GamiLearning project, UT Austin 2015-2018 Graduate Research Assistant, Mobile Media Entrepreneurships in Austin

and Lisbon project, UT Austin
2015 Graduate Research Assistant, Mobile Ventures’ Identity and Privacy

Management project, UT Austin
2014-15 Graduate Research Assistant, Unlocking the Connection: Bridging the

Digital Divide for Austin’s Low Income Residents project, UT Austin 2013 Graduate Research Assistant, The Network is the Medium: Search,

Discovery, and Connected Viewing among Global Youths project, UT Austin

Research and Teaching Interests



global game industry, media entrepreneurship, cultural policy, creative industries, creative economy, social network, digital divide and inclusion


qualitative interview coding and analysis, participant observation, textual analysis, qualitative network analysis, quantitative survey design and analysis


Scholarly Presentations

Huang, G. (2020, May). Social Capital and Venture Creation: Identifying Entrepreneurial Opportunities in the Chinese Digital Game Industry. Presented at International Communication Association 2020. Gold Coast, Australia.

Huang, G. (2019, Aug). Exploring Cultural Policy and Gaming Entrepreneurship in Shanghai. Presented at Chinese Digital Game Research 2019 Conference. Beijing, China

Huang, G. (2019, June). Social capital, financial resource access, and entrepreneurial ecosystem: Exploring the creation of gaming ventures in Shanghai. Presented at Chinese Internet Research Conference 2019. Singapore.

Huang, G. (2019, March). A Small Fish in a Big Pond: Understanding Entrepreneurship in Chinese Game Industry. Presented at Society for Cinema and Media Studies 2019. Seattle, USA.

Huang, G., Chen, W., & Stephens, B. (2018, May). The digital linchpin for mobile startup? Exploring the social media knowledge and managerial skills of mobile entrepreneurs. Presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication 2018. Washington DC, USA.

Huang, G., Chen, W., Li, X., & Straubhaar, D.J. (2017, May). Digital Parenting Skills on the Margin. Presented at International Communication Association 2017. San Diego, USA.

Huang, G., Chen, W., Li, X. (2016, Aug). Monitoring, Guiding, and Disciplining: The Parenting on Children’s Internet Usage in Public Housing Households. Presented at American Sociology Association’s Media Sociology Preconference 2016. Seattle, USA.

Mora, R. A. & Huang, G. (2016, June). Questioning the Ethno-Cultural Mediated Attraction of (Dis)likeable Characters: What do Audiences Find Charming? Presented at International Communication Association 2016. Fukuoka, Japan.

Chen, W., Huang, G., Miller, J., Lee, K., Mauro, D., Stephens, B., & Li, X. (2016, June).” Your Privacy is Very Important to Us”: American Mobile Ventures’ Privacy Management. Presented at International Communication Association 2016. Fukuoka, Japan.

Huang, G. & Chen, W. (2016, June). Understanding the Production and Distribution Sectors of China’s Online Game Industry. Presented at International Communication Association Preconference 2016: Willing Collaborators: The Rise of China, and Changing Networks of Asian Media Production. Tokyo, Japan.

Huang, G. (2015, August). From Global to Local: Mapping the Production and Distribution Sectors of Online Game Industry in China. Presented at Media Sociology Preconference 2015. Chicago, IL.

Chen, W., Shen, C., & Huang, G. (2015, August). The Implications of Coplay for Generalized Trust in and beyond a Chinese MMOG World. Presented at American Sociological Association 2015. Chicago, IL.

Huang, G., & Mora, A.R. (2014, October). Ethnic Online Expressions: A Pilot Study Regarding the Value of Facebook Identity Claims. Presented at Global Fusion Conference 2015. Austin, TX.

Huang, G. (2014, October). Virtual Cosmopolitans? Understanding Transnational Cultural Experience of Chinese Online Gamers in League of Legends. Presented at Global Fusion Conference 2015. Austin, TX.

Teaching Experience

2021 Instructor, Introduction to Media Literacy, Soochow University
2021 Instructor, History of Broadcasting, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University 2019 Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Media and Entertainment Industries,

UT Austin
2018 Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Media and Entertainment Industries,

UT Austin
2018 Teaching Assistant, Media and Society, UT Austin

2017 Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Media Studies, UT Austin
2017 Teaching Assistant, Exploring Children’s Media, UT Austin
2016 Teaching Assistant, Race, Internet and Social Media, UT Austin
2015 Teaching Assistant, Media Industries and Entrepreneurship, UT Austin 2015 Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Media Studies, UT Austin

2014 Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Digital Media, UT Austin

Professional Service

2017-2020 Student Organizor, Global Media Industries Speaker Series, UT Austin 2013-14 Column Editor, Flow Volume 19, Department of Radio-TV-Film, UT

2012 Panel Coordinator, Flow Conference 2012, UT Austin

Professional Memberships

2018-Present Society for Cinema and Media Studies
2016-Present International Association for Media and Communication Research

2015-Present 2015-Present

American Sociology Association International Communication Association