Aphra Kerr

Associate professor

Maynooth University, Ireland 


2000 Ph . D . ( Communication Studies ) Dublin City University , Ireland .

1995 MA ( Communication Studies ) ( by research ) Dublin City University , Ireland .

1992 BA ( Communication Studies ) Dublin City University , Ireland .



Kerr, A.(2019) ‘Game Production Logics at Work: Convergence and Divergence. ‘ In Deuze, Mark and Prenger, Mirjam (Eds.) Making Media. Production, Practices, and Professions, Amsterdam University Press. Chapter 31.ISBN 9789462988118

Kerr, A.(2017) Global Games: Production, Circulation and policy in the Digital games Industry. New York


Kerr, A.(2006) The Business and Culture of Digital Games: Gamework/Gameplay. Sage: London. ISBN
9781412900478 DOI href=”http://dx.doi.org/10.41359781446211410″ style=”color:rgb(149,79,
114)”>10.4135/ 9781446211410. Top Cited Pub. 521-Google scholar, Jan 2020)


Kerr, A. and J. D. Kelleher(2015). The Recruitment of Passion and Community in the Service of Capital
Community Managers in the Digital Games Industry. Critical Studies in Media Communication_32( 3): 177-192. DOI:10.1080/152950362015.1045005.(31- Google scholar jan 2020)


Kerr,A, De Paoli,S, and Keatinge, M.(2014) Surveillant Assemblages of Governance in Massively
Multiplayer Online games: a comparative analysis. Surveillance and Society, Vol 12(3): 320-336. Available at href=”https://ojs.libraryqueensu.ca/index.php/surveillance-and society/article/view/massive” style=”color rgb(149,79,114)>https://ojs library. queens. ca/index. php/surveillance-and. society/article/view/massive open access(20- Google Scholar, Jan 2020)


Kerr, A.& Cawley, A(2012) ‘The spatialisation of the digital games industry:Lessons from Ireland ‘
International journal of cultural Policy. Vol 18 (4) pg.398 418.DOI:10.1080/102866322011.598515(41- Google Scholar Jan2020)



2006 Selected as one of the Game Industry’s 100 most influential women, Next-Gen. biz
style=”color:rgb(149,79,114)>http://nicholbradford.blogspot.ie/2006/09/included-in-game-industrys-100-most. html

Chair, Communication Policy and Technology section, International Association for Media and Communication Research 2016-2019.

Vice-Chair, Communication Policy and Technology section, International Association for Media and
Communication Research 2012-2016