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  1. 蒋希娜. 功能游戏设计研究:如何构建乌托邦式的学习环境 ISBN 9787507846447
    English Title: Functional Game Design Research: How to Build Utopian Learning Environments
  2. 黄心渊, 蒋希娜. 数字媒体创作 ISBN 9787565720161
    English Title: Creating Digital Media Works
  3. 中国网络文艺发展研究报告ISBN 9787520155830【负责第二章网络游戏现状】
    English Title: Research report on the development of online literature and art in China [Responsible for Chapter of Online Games]



  1. Jiang X, Harteveld C, Yang Y, et al. “If it’s sunny, don’t take an umbrella”: a systematic evaluation of design principles for CT teaching games[J]. Educational technology research and development, 2023, 71(4): 1725-1763.
  2. 蒋希娜,刘佳,蒋莹莹等.知识分类视角下儿童科普游戏的叙事设计与效果验证[J].包装工程,2023,44(22):338-347+357.DOI:10.19554/j.cnki.1001-3563.2023.22.038.
    English Title: Validation of Narrative Design and Effectiveness of Children’s Science Games from the Perspective of Knowledge Categorization
  3. 蒋希娜,丁妮,陈世红等.儿童编程游戏设计模型与效果验证[J].现代教育技术,2022,32(12):58-67.
    English Title: Children’s Programming Game Design Modeling and Effectiveness Validation
  4. 蒋莹莹,孟雪,蒋希娜.儿童观视野下我国儿童动画“叙事对话”的“三种姿态”[J].当代电视,2022,(04):103-107.DOI:10.16531/j.cnki.1000-8977.2022.04.014.
    English Title: The Three Postures of “Narrative Dialogue” in Chinese Children Animation from the Perspective of Children’s Perspective
  5. Jiang R, Shao B, Si S, et al. Health Communication in Games at the Early Stage of COVID-19 Epidemic: A Grounded Theory Study Based on Plague, Inc[J]. Games for Health Journal, 2021, 10(6): 408-419.
  6. 蒋希娜,李玥,何威等.基于知识划分理论的科普游戏设计与实例分析[J].现代教育技术,2021,31(06):49-55.
    English Title: Design and Example Analysis of Science Game Based on Knowledge Division Theory
  7. 蒋希娜,徐梁.坚守与开拓:新时代中国电影的新征程——北京国际电影节·第27届大学生电影节学术论坛综述[J].电影评介,2020,(22):101-105.DOI:10.16583/j.cnki.52-1014/j.2020.22.022.
    English Title: Perseverance and Pioneering: A New Journey for Chinese Cinema in the New Era–A Review of the Academic Forum of BJIFF-27th Student Film Festival
  8. 蒋希娜,陈世红,何威.游戏出版内容质量问题及其优化策略[J].出版科学,2020,28(02):97-102.DOI:10.13363/j.publishingjournal.2020.02.014.
    English Title: Game Publishing Content Quality Problems and Their Optimization Strategies
  9. Ankang LUO+, Shuai GAO+, Ao YANG, Gang LU,*, Rui JIANG1*, Yanyan XU, Ruiqi LI*.Revealing the different characteristics of travelers and their transport media: a case study of dock-less bike sharing system [C]//Proceedings of the 20th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP2020)
  10. Jiang R, Cai J.N.A Serious Game Integrates Immersive Game Experience and AIDS Intervention [C]//The Chinese Digital Game Research Conference 2019,pp.66-68,Aguest,2019.
  11. 蒋希娜,黄心渊.指向计算思维能力培养的儿童编程游戏设计[J].现代教育技术,2019,29(03):119-126.
    English Title: Programming Game Design for Children Pointing to the Development of Computational Thinking Skills
  12. Jiang X, Harteveld C , Huang X ,et al.The computational puzzle design framework: a design guide for games teaching computational thinking[C]//the 14th International Conference.2019.DOI:10.1145/3337722.3337768.
  13. Tian Y. The Transmutation of Perception: Research of Attention and Visual Guidance in Virtual Reality Context[C]//Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play Companion Extended Abstracts. 2018: 91-94.
  14. 蒋希娜,黄心渊,蒋莹莹.指向图形表征能力培养的儿童绘画游戏设计研究[J].电化教育研究,2017,38(08):83-88+95.DOI:10.13811/j.cnki.eer.2017.08.013.
    English Title: A study on the design of children’s drawing games pointing to the development of graphic representational skills
  15. Jiang R, Mckanna J, Calabrese S, et al. Iterative Design and Testing for the Development of a Game-Based Chlamydia Awareness Intervention: A Pilot Study[J]. Games Health J, 2017, 6(4):205-216
  16. 蒋希娜,黄如民,黄心渊等.游戏化数字童书出版策略研究[J].出版科学,2017,25(02):73-78.DOI:10.13363/j.publishingjournal.2017.02.016.
    English Title: A Study of Publishing Strategies for Gamified Children’s Digital Books
  17. 杨冷泠,黄心渊,蒋希娜.手机团购应用界面的注意力设计[J].包装工程,2015,36(18):135-139.DOI:10.19554/j.cnki.1001-3563.2015.18.031.
    English Title: Attention design for mobile group-buying application interfaces
  18. 蒋希娜,黄心渊,黄如民.基于多元表征的儿童数学游戏设计[J].现代教育技术,2015,25(03):101-108.
    English Title: A study of children’s math game design based on multiple representations
  19. Jiang, M. Y. Shi, New Trend of Serious Game: Video Game for Cognitive Capability Training of the Aged[C]// Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 556-562, pp. 6492-6495, May. 2014.