



联系方式  xiongshuo@hust.edu.cn


2007-2011 华中科技大学,计算机科学与技术学院 工学学士。

2013-2015 北陆先端科学技术大学院大学,信息科学研究科,理学硕士。

2015-2017 北陆先端科学技术大学院大学,信息科学研究科,娱乐领域,理学博士。

2016-2017 立命馆大学,映像研究科,客座研究员。

2016-2018 日本学术振兴会(JSPS)特别研究员DC2。

2018-今   华中科技大学,新闻与信息传播学院,传播系,讲师。










[30] Xiong, S Zuo, L., Anunpattana, P., & Iida, H.(2019) Using Signal Processing Model to Evaluate the Impact of Seesaw Games. (2019). JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR AND CONVEX ANALYSIS, 20(6), 1253-1262.


[29] Xiong, Shuo ; Ye, Aoshuang; Iida, Hiroyuki.(2019, November) A Game Informatical Analysis of Dark Chess by Game Refinement Theory[C]. 11th EAI International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment, 2019.


[28] Xiong, S., Tang, Y., Zuo, L., & Iida, H.(2019, July). Quantifying Engagement of Battle City with different AI strength. In 2019 8th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI) (pp. 468-471). IEEE.


[27] Zuo, L., Xiong, S., & Iida, H. (2018, September). Comprehensive evaluation of hotel loyalty program. In BASIC & CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & TOXICOLOGY (Vol. 123, pp. 65-66). 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY.


[26] Shuo Xiong, Long Zuo and Hiroyuki Iida.  The rhythm design of health care serious game by game refinement measurement[C]//BASIC & CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & TOXICOLOGY. 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY, 2018, 123: 39-40.


[25] Shuo Xiong, Long Zuo, Zeliang Zhang and Hiroyuki Iida. E-learning Rhythm Design: case study using Fighting Games. The 12th International Conference on E-learning and Games . Xi’an China. June, 2018


[24] Izzyann, F., Huynh, D., Xiong, S., Norshakirah, A., & Iida, H. Comparative Study: case study in Analyzing Gamification between Mind-Snacks and Duolingo. In The International Conference on Information and Communication Technology and Digital Convergence Business (ICIDB-2018).


[23] Long Zuo., Shuo Xiong., Zhichao Wang and Hiroyuki Iida. An Analysis of Gamification Effect of Frequent-Flyer Program[C]// The 12th International Conference on E-learning and Games . Xi’an China. June, 2018


[22] Long Zuo., Shuo Xiong., Zhichao Wang and Hiroyuki Iida. Evaluation of Hotel Loyalty Program with Game Refinement Theory and Analytic Hierarchy Process[C]// International Conference on Computer, Electronic Information and Communications. 2018.


[21] Shuo Xiong, Wenlin Li, Xingting Mao, and Hiroyuki Iida. (2017, December). Mafia Game Setting Research Using Game Refinement Measurement. In International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment (pp. 830-846). Springer, Cham. London, UK, 2017.


[20] Shuo Xiong, Long Zuo, and Hiroyuki Iida. (2017, November). Individual game information evaluation using signal processing measurement. In Systems and Informatics (ICSAI), 2017 4th International Conference on (pp. 1400-1404). IEEE. Hangzhou, China, 2017.


[19] Long Zuo., Shuo Xiong., and Hiroyuki Iida. (2017, November). An analysis of hotel loyalty program with a focus on the tiers and points system. In Systems and Informatics (ICSAI), 2017 4th International Conference on (pp. 507-512). IEEE. Hangzhou, China, 2017.


[18] Shuo Xiong, Long Zuo, and Hiroyuki Iida. (2017). Possible Interpretations for Game Refinement Measure. In International Conference on Entertainment Computing. Springer International Publishing. Tsukuba, Japan. Sep. 2017


[17] Long Zuo, Shuo Xiong and Hiroyuki Iida. (2017). An Analysis of DOTA2 using Game Refinement Measurement. In International Conference on Entertainment Computing. Springer International Publishing. Tsukuba, Japan. Sep. 2017


[16] Nhien Pham Hoang Bao, Shuo Xiong, and Hiroyuki Iida. (2017). Reaper Tournament System. In International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment. Springer. Funchal, Portugal. June. 2017


[15] Shuo Xiong, Yin Peng, Hiroyuki Iida and Abu-Bakar Nordin. (2016).An Approach to Entertainment Tuning in RPGs: Case Study Using Diablo III and Trails of Cold Steel. Games and Learning Alliance conference (GALA 2016). Utrecht, Netherland. Dec. 2016


[14] Shuo Xiong, Parth Pankaj Tiwary, Hiroyuki Iida. (2016). Solving the Sophistication-Population Paradox of Game Refinement Theory. IFIP International Conference on Entertainment Computing. Entertainment Computing-ICEC 2016. Vienna, Austria. Sep. 2016


[13] Shuo Xiong, Liang Yang, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Hiroyuki Iida. (2016). Ranking Accuracy and Popularity Promotion: case study using UEFA Euro 2016 International Conference on Systems and Informatics. Shanghai, China. Nov. 2016


[12]Mingyang. Wu, Shuo Xiong, Hiroyuki Iida (2016). The fairness mechanism in MOBA games. International Conference on Systems and Informatics. Shanghai, China. Nov. 2016


[11]Bhargav Chauhan, Shuo Xiong, Hiroyuki Iida. (2015). Game Refinement and Utility-Fun Function: Application to Card Games. The 20th Game Programming Workshop , pages 138-141. Karuizawa, Japan. Nov. 2015


[10]P. Chetprayoon, Shuo Xiong, Hiroyuki Iida. (2015). An Approach to Quantifying Pokemons Entertainment Impact with focus on Battle. The 3rd International Conference on Applied Computing & Information Technology, pages 61–68. Okayama, Japan. July. 2015  


[9]P. Chetprayoon, Shuo Xiong, Hiroyuki Iida, T. Kondo. (2015). Evolutionary Changes of Pokemon Game: A Case Study with Focus On Catching Pokemon. IFIP International Conference on Entertainment Computing. Entertainment Computing-ICEC 2015. Springer International Publishing, 2015. 182-194. Trondheim, Norway. Sep. 2015


[8]Shuo Xiong, Hiroyuki Iida (2014). Attractiveness of Real Time Strategy Games. Attractiveness of real time strategy games. Computer Science and Information Systems, 12(4), 1217-1234.


[7]Shuo Xiong, Long Zuo and Hiroyuki Iida. (2014). Quantifying Engagement of Electronic Sports Game.Advances in Social and Behavioral Sciences Vols.5-6, pages 37-42. Hongkong, China. Dec. 2014


[6]Shuo Xiong, Long Zuo, R. Chiewvanichakorn and Hiroyuki Iida. (2014). Quantifying Engagement of Various Games.The 19th Game Programming Workshop, pages 101-106. Hakone, Japan. Nov. 2014



[5] Shuo Xiong, Zhenfu Wu, Jidan Zhang and Mengxue Zhang.(2019) City Image Promotion by Game Scenes and Skins Design. 2019 International Conference on Global Culture and Creative Industries Shanghai, 2019.


[4]Shuo Xiong and Hiroyuki Iida. (2014). The depth studies of game knowledge sharing and Asian game market. Replaying Japan Again: 2nd International Japan Game Studies Conference. Edmonton, Canada. Aug. 2014


[3]Shuo Xiong (2013) The Problems With Modern Japanese and Chinese Game Seclusion From the Outside World and In-Depth Analysis of the Countermeasures. International Conference on Japan Game Studies 2013. Kyoto, Japan. May. 2013


[2]Shuo Xiong (2013). The Classic board game history – Asian Modern Game “Sakoku” problem and its counter measures. The 8th International Conference on Computers and Games (CGIW2013): Computer Games and Intelligence Workshop. Yokohama, Japan. Aug. 2013


[1]熊 碩 (2013). 日中ゲーム鎖国の現状と対策, 日本デジタルゲーム学会2012年次大会予稿集, 日本デジタルゲーム学会, pages 66-75。福岡、2013年3月。



《A New Paradigm in Game Design using Game Refinement Theory》 华中科技大学出版社,In press 2020~2021。专著




[1] 主持2016.04–2018.03, ゲーム洗練度の理論とその応用-ゲーム設計理論の新たなパラダイム- 日本学術振興会(JSPS) 特別研究員DC2。

[2] 主持 2017—2018 人工智能的新挑战「狼人游戏」开发以及通过游戏精炼理论对其评估。日本研究据点形成支援事业。

[3] 主持 2019–  基于Murder mystery game的玩家模型与行为分析。自主创新研究基金。

[4] 主持 2019– 《游戏学导论》创新教学课程建设与改革,教育部产学合作协同育人项目(腾讯游戏学院合作),主持

[5] 第四参与,2011-2015ゲーム情報学の新たなパラダイム―人間らしいふるまいの原理の解明とその応用。基盤研究(B)。主持人:饭田弘之

[6] 第三参与,2014-2017 詰め将棋の美観評価と創作アルゴリズム。挑戦的萌芽研究。主持人:饭田弘之

[7] 第三参与  2017-2019 名人の大局観メカニズムの解明および思考の可視化システムの開発。挑戦的研究(萌芽)。主持人:饭田弘之




[7] 腾讯研究院,2019年10月16日,《以计算机网络的视角审视游戏独特的传播魅力——communication一词的两种翻译》

[6] 新京报,2019年3月 《看再多谍战剧,也会在这个“真人互动剧”游戏里死一百次》

[5] 人民网,2019年1月31日,《人民游评:中国传统文化出海,游戏载体不可忽视》

[4] 新京报,2018年9月6日,《影游联动,标配背后是外行赚外快》

[3] ZAKER科技,2018年8月25日,《何为游戏?当下中国游戏文化价值逐步凸显》

[2] 2018年湖北省文化市场行业转型升级现场观摩培训活动,培训嘉宾,主题《游戏产业发展解析》

[1] 中国游戏节,演讲嘉宾,主题《中国游戏发展与“产官学”连携合作展望》



[4] 澎湃新闻。留学归来的游戏学教师:游戏成瘾引发悲剧不该让游戏“背锅”。2018年8月

[32] 长江日报。4岁开始玩游戏,赴日6年拿博士!华科大教师将开讲游戏学课程。2018年7月

[2] 人民政协报 华中科大青年教师熊硕:我在日本学游戏。2019年7月

[1] 广州日报 免费游戏本质是金钱无底洞. 2018年8月