Vit Sisler
Charles University
Information science
Brom, C., Šisler, V., Slussareff, M., Selmbacherová, T., Hlávka, Z.: You Like It, You Learn It: Affectivity and Learning in Competitive Social Role Play Gaming. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 2016, vol. 13, iss. 3, pp. 314-348, (IF=3,469)
Brom, C., Buchtova, M., Sisler, V., Dechterenko, F., Palme, R., Glenk, L. M.: Flow, Social-Interaction Anxiety and Salivary Cortisol Responses in Serious Games: a Quasi-Experimental Study. Computers & Education, 2014, (IF=2,775).
Brom, C., Šisler, V., Slavík, R. Implementing Digital Game-based Learning in Schools: Augmented Learning Environment of ‘Europe 2045’. Multimedia Systems. Vol. 16, No. 1, 2010, pp. 23-41, (IF=1,176).
2018 Best Learning Game, Games for Change Festival, New York, United States of America
2018 Finalist in Independent Games Festival (IGF), San Francisco, United States of America
2008-2009 Visiting Fulbright Scholar, Northwestern University, Chicago, United States of America
2018 Invited lecture at Stanford University, The Brown Institute for Media Innovation, “Critical War Game Design: Case Study of Attentat 1942”
2019 Best Poster Award, European Conference on Educational Research
2018 Most Amazing Game, A MAZE Festival, Berlin, Germany
2015-2019 Member of the Board of Reviewers of Game Studies, an International Journal of Computer Game Research
2014-2019 Member of the Steering Committee of Central and Eastern European Game Studies (CEEGS)